Lorana Wilkinson

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Lorana Wilkinson was a Canadian woman. She was the daughter of J. J. Wilkinson, of Mersea township

She married William Newman in 1891. They had 3 children:

Sometime between 1914-1917, William and Lorana separated, and she was left destitute. By this point, her oldest son Clint and his father had become estranged (See Why_Clint_Newman_left_his_family). (Need information on what Clare with doing during this time; apparently she maintained a good relationship with her father.)

In 1917 and 1918, Lorana travelled with her young son Harold to visit family in Leamington, Ontario and Elmira, New York. They stayed with Clint and his wife Eugenia for a short time in New York. Clint paid for their fare back to Winnipeg in the summer of 1918. Schools were closed due to the Spanish Influenza epidemic, so Harold went to work with his father, William. Both William and Harold got sick with the Spanish Flu. While nursing them back to health, Lorana got sick and never recovered. She died in Winnipeg, Manitoba on November 14, 1918.